We know the value of your boat to you. So, it’s natural for you to be worried when you want to transport your boat to a different place. If you want to ship your boat or you want to start a business of boat shipping, Boat Transport Pros can help you to transport your boat safely, with an assurance of a competitive cost. To assist you to make much optimum decision with the details, this post will give you a brief idea of the factors that come together to decide boat transport costs.
The factors which decide the transportation cost of a boat :
Modes of Shipping
Generally, the companies for shipping provide boat transport services to transport the boat by using these primary modes of transportation which are:

Procedure of Shipping
Another factor to ascertain the overall cost of transporting a boat is the procedure of shipping used by the boat transport service provider. These are the methods that are widely used for shipping boats:
If you opt for container boat shipping then the cost for the transportation depends upon the number of boats loaded inside a container. In full container service, a container will exclusively be used for your boat. The second type of container shipping is known as groupage or shared container service where multiple boats are loaded in a container for delivery.
Groupage is the best option for the people who are seeking for a low-budget solution, but it is not secure like a full container service.
Roll-On Roll-Off Boat Shipping
In this shipping method, the boats are loaded on trailers and those trailers are then rolled & boarded on the cargo ship for delivery. The trailers are rolled off when the ship reaches the destination location.
Generally, the roll-on roll-off boat shipping method is much affordable than the container shipping.
Moreover, it is necessary to think about the other factors such as the distance to be covered, the weight or volume of boats to be delivered, and the weather conditions of the location where the departure is scheduled and along the route.
The Boat Value
While calculating the shipping cost, The Boat companies also consider the boat value, as it is relevant for insurance purposes. Because if any accident happens during the transportation, the customer claims for its damage, and the grant of the compensation depends upon the condition of the boat along with the consideration of its value before such an accident.
The shipping cost for old or pre-owned boats is less to the new boats because the new boats have a higher market value than the pre-owned or old boats.
Negotiate the Cost
After the complete comprehension of the factors involved in the calculation of the boat transport cost, this will leave you in a preferable position to determine the cost then negotiate for the price according to your budget.
To ensure safe boat transportation and at the best cost as per the industry standard, choose Boat Transport Pros. With 20 years of experience, we have a team of experts and various contacts that are required to ship the boat irrespective of the size and type of the boat.
The factors which decide the transportation cost of a boat :
Modes of Shipping
Generally, the companies for shipping provide boat transport services to transport the boat by using these primary modes of transportation which are:
- By road
- By ship, or
- By sailing
The cost of boat transportation differs for each of the shipping. Sailing a boat is an economical option for shipping a large-sized boat for any distance eg. across the ocean or within a short distance. Although boat transport by road is chosen popularly by the people for delivery to a distant place, especially to a location which has poorly constructed roads to the port of departure and this is better when carried out with a ship.
Overall, the distance of the location and the vehicle being used for shipping plays the main role to decide the cost of boat transportation.

Procedure of Shipping
Another factor to ascertain the overall cost of transporting a boat is the procedure of shipping used by the boat transport service provider. These are the methods that are widely used for shipping boats:
- Container boat shipping
- Roll-on roll-off boat shipping.
If you opt for container boat shipping then the cost for the transportation depends upon the number of boats loaded inside a container. In full container service, a container will exclusively be used for your boat. The second type of container shipping is known as groupage or shared container service where multiple boats are loaded in a container for delivery.
Groupage is the best option for the people who are seeking for a low-budget solution, but it is not secure like a full container service.
Roll-On Roll-Off Boat Shipping
In this shipping method, the boats are loaded on trailers and those trailers are then rolled & boarded on the cargo ship for delivery. The trailers are rolled off when the ship reaches the destination location.
Generally, the roll-on roll-off boat shipping method is much affordable than the container shipping.
Moreover, it is necessary to think about the other factors such as the distance to be covered, the weight or volume of boats to be delivered, and the weather conditions of the location where the departure is scheduled and along the route.
The Boat Value
While calculating the shipping cost, The Boat companies also consider the boat value, as it is relevant for insurance purposes. Because if any accident happens during the transportation, the customer claims for its damage, and the grant of the compensation depends upon the condition of the boat along with the consideration of its value before such an accident.
The shipping cost for old or pre-owned boats is less to the new boats because the new boats have a higher market value than the pre-owned or old boats.
Negotiate the Cost
After the complete comprehension of the factors involved in the calculation of the boat transport cost, this will leave you in a preferable position to determine the cost then negotiate for the price according to your budget.
To ensure safe boat transportation and at the best cost as per the industry standard, choose Boat Transport Pros. With 20 years of experience, we have a team of experts and various contacts that are required to ship the boat irrespective of the size and type of the boat.
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